Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April 2010: Questionaire

1.  How often do you have company in your home (per week/month/year)?

2. What do you enjoy about hosting?  What do you dislike?

3. Name 2 things that you do for company/before company arrives, that you rarely/never do otherwise.

4.  What is on your "last-minute check list" right before the door bell rings?

5.What is your favorite "event" to host?  ( for example: coffee, a meal, evening, over-nightter, family/friends, outdoor/indoor, casual/formal... etc)

* Hey ladies - just copy and paste the questions in a new post and type your answers in a different color!  Try to have the questionaire done BEFORE the April meeting to get us thinking about hospitality.  And have fun...

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