Monday, June 14, 2010

Never Beyond Hope by J.I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom

Another church library book...

J.P. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom's book would make a great devotional for those who are feeling discouraged and need some encouraging hope in their lives.  The authors introduce the concept of hope and then use 8 biblical characters to illustrate how we can have hope even during difficult circumstances, and even we we ourselves are broken and sinful people.  They examine Samson, Jacob, Manoah's wife, Jonah, Martha, Thomas, Simon Peter and Nehemiah and show from their lives, words and actions how we can enjoy the comfort of hope in our lives, too.  This is very much "exemplaristic preaching" - in other words, the authors use Biblical characters as examples to us in living our lives - but serves it's purpose in offering Biblical encouragement and hope even when "everything goes wrong".

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