Please sign up for a menu item by commenting on this post, and Chandra will update the menu in the post as items are claimed.
Discussion Questions
1. Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?
2. The way a
non-fiction book is written can impact a reader’s enjoyment and understanding of
it. What did you think of the way Chang
wrote this book? Did the writing catch
your interest, or make you lose interest in what could otherwise have been an
interesting subject? Did you like the
way Chang used her own family’s story as the pivot point?
3. How did Chang’s
family compare to the modern day migrant?
Similarities? Differences?
4. Why do you
think Chang avoided exploring her own family history? In the end, how does she feel about her
5. Chang refers
often to the “Chinese character”. What
is it? What do you think would be the
general reaction if a non-Chinese author suggested that some of these events
were caused by the “Chinese character”?
Is Chang a racist?
6. Did the book
make you more aware of and knowledgeable about the issue of factory workers in
China? Did you have any earlier opinions
on this topic that have been changed by the reading of this book?
7. What were some
of the migrants’ biggest concerns? Which
of these were positive developments and which were negative?
8. How did
migration change the power structure in the family? Can you think of other situations that might
change this power structure?
9. Migrancy also
changed the power structure between men and women. Use one of the migrant girl’s stories as an
example of how men and women relate differently.
10. Which migrant’s story did you enjoy the most or feel
most connected to? Why?
11. Did any
specific passages strike you as significant/interesting/profound/amusing/ illuminating/disturbing/sad?
12. Many of the
migrants deal with the difficulties of their situation by learning to rely only
on themselves. Do you think this is an
effective coping strategy? What else
could they have done?
13. How do the
migrants feel about home when they are away?
What about when they return?
14. How would you
have handled being a migrant, or would you have been one of the few who stay
15. What have you learned from reading this book? Has it broadened your perspective about a
difficult societal and/or ethical issue?
Suggested Menu
Noodle soup (Sherrie)
Stir-fried veggies (we have an electric wok here) (Amanda)
Braised fish (use a
firm white-fleshed fish, such as halibut, pickerel or striped bass)
White rice (steamed?) for with the braised fish
Boiled eggs (Karen)
Steamed Chocolate Pound cake (pound cake is traditionally steamed in China) (Alisha) (Tessa)
Fruit smoothies (we
have a very good blender here for these) (Melissa)
I won't be coming, as I still haven't managed to get my hands on a copy of the book. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI can bring the pork fried rice!
ReplyDeleteI can bring the stir fry veggies :)
ReplyDeleteI will bring stuff for smoothies:)Anyone have a great smoothie recipe?
ReplyDeleteI will do my best with the Steamed Chocolate Pound Cake! :o) I've never tried to steam a cake before!
ReplyDeleteOh - I just sent an email saying I would bring chocolate cake, and then I see Alisha beat me to it. I'll search for an alternate recipe and try this too. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh - I found a chocolate chinese 5 spice cake. I'll bring that!!
ReplyDeleteOne can never have too much chocolate cake, Tessa! :o)