Friday, April 10, 2015

Book Choices for July-Dec 2015

It's that time again!  We hope to choose the next round of books at the May meeting, so please do take the time to browse this list, add your own suggestions and think about what you'd like to read and discuss next.

Karen suggested that if you did not have time to look into all of the titles, that you make a special effort to check out the books for the month in which you are the hostess so that at least one person has done their research for each month and can provide some guidance for the rest of the group about those book choices.  That sounds like a good plan!  Please note if you are hosting any of the following months and be prepared.  :-)

July - Travels to Remember... a travelogue from anywhere around the world
Hostess: Stephanie V; date to be chosen by doodle organized by hostess
  1. From Heaven Lake by Vikram Seth
  2. Without Reservations by Alice Steinbach
  3. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
  4. Here's an amazing list of travelogue options! 
  5. other suggestions?
August - Library Kit
Hostess: Chandra V; date to be chosen by doodle organized by hostess
- see HPL book club kits on the side bar for options
- maybe switch this one with October to accommodate our more unpredictable summer schedules?

September - Reading the Classics 
Hostess: Melissa S; date to be chosen by doodle organized by hostess
  1.  The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
  2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
  3. The Invisible Man by HG Wells
  4. here's a great (but short) list of classics... have you read all these?
  5. other suggestions?

October - Mystery Night 
- maybe switch with August and do the Library kit here instead?
Hostess: Sherrie C; date: Thursday, Oct 1st
  1. good old Agatha Christie
  2. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
  3. Jane and the Canterbury Tale by Stephanie Barron
  4. mysteries for thinking women list from Oprah
  5. any other suggestions?
November - Muckraking Madness 
Hostess: Tamara D; date: Thursday, Nov 5th
  1. Brandwashed by Martin Lindstrom (about the effects of advertising) 
  2. The Bitter Cry of Children by John Spargo  ( published in 1906 concerning the horrors of child labour)
  3. Welcome to Shirley by Kelly McMasters (a memoir about growing up in a town polluted by nuclear waste and chemical spills)
  4. The Saturday Night Special by Robert Sherril
  5. here's a helpful list of best muckraking books ; and other list of muckrakers
  6.  other suggestions?
December - Get Cooking 
Hostess: Amanda K; date: Thursday, Dec 3rd
  1. A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table by Molly Wizenberg
  2. Sous Chef by Michael Gibney. 
  3. My Paris Kitchen Recipes and Stories by David Lebovitz
  4. Brown Eggs and Jam Jars by Amy Wimbush-Bourque
  5. other suggestions? We looking for good food with a bit of a "story" to it :-)

Please pop into the comments (or the post itself) and add any suggestions that you may have.  

If you are unable to make the May meeting, please add a comment with your preferences here so we can take them into account.  Thanks!


  1. Won't let me edit so I will post a couple suggestions I had here
    The Nourished Kitchen: farm-to-table recipes for the Traditional Food Lifestyle

  2. November:
    The 20th century by John Higgs looks good but not released till November I believe
    The Dirty Apron

    1. Dreaming Spies by Laurie King looks likea good mystery too:)

  3. "Go Set a Watchman" Harper Lees lost book would be interesting!

  4. Fresh From The Farm: A year of recipes and stories by Susie Middleton looks good! Has a story to it too!

  5. Three many cooks looks like a great cookbook written by a mom and her two daughters.


Tell us what you think!