Monday, April 19, 2010

Hospitality Questionaire - Kate

1. How often do you have company in your home (per week/month/year)?

Probably a couple times a month, either having a friend over for coffee or friends over for dinner. I definitely felt convicted by some of the things Karen had to say about hospitality. We should open our home to others more often than we do, but I put pressure on myself to have the house spotless and the food/drinks to be "just right." I should really let that go - I'd probably enjoy hosting more and invite people over a lot more often.

2. What do you enjoy about hosting? What do you dislike?

I enjoy making good food for people who really enjoy it - that's definitely very rewarding.

I dislike all the tidying and prep, but again, that's pressure that I put on myself.

3. Name 2 things that you do for company/before company arrives, that you rarely/never do otherwise.

Our house is never as tidy as when we have company. Funny (or maybe sad?) that we keep our house nicer for guests than we do for ourselves.

Get the dog under control/out of the way. An over-excited, hairy dog is not how I want our guests to be greeted.

4. What is on your "last-minute check list" right before the door bell rings?

Dealing with the dog
Giving the bathroom a once-over
Making a pot of coffee/Making sure there's plenty of cold beer/wine in the fridge

5.What is your favorite "event" to host? ( for example: coffee, a meal, evening, over-nightter, family/friends, outdoor/indoor, casual/formal... etc)

I definitely prefer to have people over for a BBQ in the summer, so we can be outside. We have a pool, so we love having people over to enjoy it. Plus, the mess can be (mostly) contained to the outside. And it just seems more casual - I like that!

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