Sunday, November 20, 2011

Still Alice (Lisa Genova)

"In examining disease, we gain wisdom about anatomy and physiology and biology. In examining the person with disease, we gain wisdom about life."
(Oliver Sacks)

What a book!

Still Alice (self-published debut novel by Lisa Genova) was recently recommended to me by some online friends. Since they were batting 50/50 for their recommendations (thumbs up for "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society', thumbs down for "Water for Elephants"), I wasn't sure what to expect for this one. Wow, am I ever glad I read this book! It is such a real, mind-opening and heart-touching story, and should be a must-read for everyone. I whole-heartedly recommend this book, and would love to add it to our schedule for Book Club. Conveniently, my library copy contains a set of questions for book club discussion. :o)

Alice is a 50 year old professor of cognitive psychology at Harvard, and a world-renowned expert in linguistics, with a wonderful husband and three grown children. What she thinks are forgetful moments brought on by exhaustion, stress, and perimenopause is in fact, early-onset Alzheimer's disease. This very moving books tells the story from Alice's perspective, as she with her vast knowledge and high intellect knows what is going to happen to her as her mental health deteriorates. The author (herself holding a PhD in neuroscience) did extensive research and spoke in depth with many patients who were themselves in the early stages of early-onset Alzheimer's, who all agree that she has captured the emotions and thoughts of Alice perfectly and accurately. This book is the only novel ever to have been endorsed, and even promoted, by the National Alzheimer's Association.

Get your name on the hold list at the library, or add this book to your Christmas wish list, because this is one book you do not want to miss!


Tell us what you think!