Theme of the Month

Variety is the spice of life and in order to ensure a good variety of books, we try to keep the themes varied throughout the year.  Here is the guideline that we work with, loosely based on Sarah Gardner's Read It and Eat.  This gives us a good balance of fiction and non-fiction and many different book types.  If we have a hard time finding a title that really excites us for a particular month, we may change up the topic a bit or switch to a reader's choice.

  • January - Change Your World... an inspirational book that could be a biography or autobiography
  • February - Be My Valentine... a love story: a classic, a bestseller, or something strange and new.   
           or... NEW Couples Book Club... a book for him and her along with a full meal - appetizers,  
          dinner and dessert - on a Friday evening to make it a fun couple's night out!
  • March - Reader's Choice... we usually give the hostess first dibs here, although anyone with a favorite that they are itching to read with us could step up here.
  • April - NEW The Lastest Buzz ... one the most talked about novels of the year; any genre or age level as long as there is some buzz around the book lately
  • May - Forgotten Favorites... a classic children's novel; sometimes we push the boundaries on "classic" and read the hottest new book for Middle Graders instead
  • June - Short and Sweet... a short story collection for this busy month; read only a few stories or the whole book.
          or... NEW Canadian Authors... anything by a Canadian author in anticipation of Canada Day
  • July - Travels to Remember... a travelogue from anywhere around the world
  • August - Library Kit... Tonnes of title to choose from from the HPL
  • September - Reading the Classics... a classic novel like the kind you studied in high school
  • October - Mystery Night... a good mystery covering any time period or set in any location
  • November - Muckraking Madness... a non-fiction book that sets to expose a hidden wrong 
  • December - Get Cooking... a cookbook with a chatty, personable angle to it that provides some interesting reading content besides the recipes

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to thank you for writing "Read It and Eat. I read the introduction to books. I read your introduction you have truly inspired me!


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