Monday, October 30, 2017

November 2017: Trafficked by Sophie Hayes

 Date: Thurs Nov 2
Time: 7:30 pm, discussion to start 8:00pm
Place: Emily's- 45 Concession Rd 2

Discussion Questions:

1. Did you like the book? Why/ why not? If not, was there anything you did like about it?
2. What are your feelings about Sophie? Could you relate to or sympathize with her? Do you agree with her own self-analysis of her character/ issues/ motivations?
3. Who was your favorite character and why? Which character did you most relate with?
4. If you could hear this story from another person's point of view, who would it be?
5. How do you think the other people in the story feel about how they are depicted?
6. Did reading this book change your views at all? Would it change how you would feel visiting Italy or France?
7. Is trafficking an important issue to discuss (with daughters/ friends/ politically) or do you feel it's not likely to happen to anyone in your life?
8. Would you read another book on trafficking to get a broader perspective now that you have read this one, or was this more than enough?
9. Would you recommend this book? Why/ why not?

Items from England and Italy, the two main settings.

Potted shrimp
Sausage rolls

Bubble and squeak
Meat pies

Caprese salad
Mushy peas, or minted peas

Gelato- Tessa
Eton mess

Or your own favorite classic British or Italian dish!

Reminder: We hope to choose books for the next few months tonight, so have a look at the proposed titles and come prepared!


  1. I finished the book and I'll be there! I'll bring some Gelato.

  2. I will be there. I will bring some bruschetta and something else.

  3. I'll take the Bubble and Squeak.

  4. I will take calzones or whatever else I can find at grocery store��


Tell us what you think!