Monday, April 2, 2018

Menu: "The Heart Goes Last"

Olives (pg. 32) "Stan rolls an olive around in his mouth before chewing: it's a long time since he's had an olive. The taste is distracting.  He should be more alert, because naturally they're being scrutinized..."

Avocado with shrimp appetizer (pg. 222) "She (Charmaine) returns to the dining room.  Ed stands up, holds her chair for her.  The avocado with shrimp appetizer is in place."

Spinach salad (pg. 97)

Chicken dumplings (pg. 63) "Positron food is excellent, because if the cooking team orders up crap for you, you'll dish out the crap to them the next month to get even.  Works like a charm: it's amazing how many painstaking chefs have sprung into being.  Today it's chicken dumplings, one of his favourites."

Shepherd's pie (pg. 97) "In the evening, after four hours of towel-folding and the communal dinner - shepherd's pie, spinach salad, raspberry mousse - Charmaine joins the knitting circle in the main room of the woman's wing."

Raspberry mouse (pg. 97)

Plum crumble with cream (pg. 138) "She picks up her helping of plum crumble in its sturdy pressed-glass dish.  There's cream added, from Positron's own cows; not that she's ever seen those cows either."


  1. I'll be there and I'll bring the plum crumble!

  2. I hope to come and will bring the spinach salad


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