Discussion Questions:
1. Did you enjoy the book, why or why not?
2. How aware were you of this part of Canadian history prior to reading this book?
3. How does time funtion in Obasan? How does it affect your understanding of the story?
4. What effect does Old Man Gower have on Naomi?
5. Chicks/chickens come up repeatedly throughout the novel, is there significance?
6. How does Naomi feel about her mother? How are we meant to feel about her? Does the ending of the novel change either of those feelings?
7. This novel has a lack of strong male characters? Why is that? How would the story be different if characters like Naomi's father and Uncle Same were as important to the story as Aunt Emily or Obasan?
8. Would you recommend this book, why or why not?
Menu-there were a few food items mentioned in the book,
- miso soup
- rice bowls
- rice osushis
- pound cake
otherwise feel free to find a Japanese recipe you'd like to try.
I will make pound cake